Release an R package with Positron

By Julia Silge in rstats

March 19, 2025

Recently I’ve been spending my time working on Positron a new, next-generation data science IDE. Positron is currently in public beta and may not yet be a good fit for everyone, but I personally have been using it in my R package development work and think it’s a great fit for that kind of work. In this screencast, I walk through a few typical R package development tasks for butcher (one of the R packages I maintain) and release a new version of the package to CRAN.

The new version of butcher is now on CRAN! If you are interested in using this kind of checklist for your own R packages, check out the documentation for usethis::use_release_issue(), including options for customization.

We know Positron still has some rough edges, but if you are interested in experimenting with it, I invite you to download the most recent beta release and share your feedback with us.

Posted on:
March 19, 2025
1 minute read, 154 words
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